
Nutrition, for anyone, is tricky. But for those who do not have the scientific knowledge of nutrition, physiology, and the passion to keep researching evidence based results, it is even trickier.

shattering the myths

There are sales pitches and what I like to call – “gumph” everywhere. “Follow this diet, you will lose pounds in days”, “You need to cut out this”, “you need to fast”, “this app will tell you exactly what to eat and when”, “this pill will help you lose fat”, “eat this magic superfood and you will lose fat like I did. I halved my body weight”, “you need to breathe into this piece of equipment”. No. No. No. All of the no’s.

Firstly, life is about living.

You can be healthy, you can look after your body, and you can still enjoy what you eat and drink. Your nutrition needs to be based around your personal goals. You can lose fat and can build muscle if you eat correctly. You can eat pizza and drink wine if you want to (I do – they’re both great!), but you need to make sure you are giving your body the good stuff around it. In particular, as women, we need to understand how our bodies respond differently to men’s, how our hormones affect our training and the importance of why certain nutrients are required, and why timing of them is proving to be vital for our development.

The best results

Consider whether your current diet is benefitting or hindering you in the long term and whether you are achieving the optimum macro and micronutrients on a daily basis. If the answer is no, which I can bet is the case, consider booking a nutrition session and get in touch.

A nutrition session will – Analyse your goals, current diet, preferences, habits and challenges. Formulate guidance and a support plan to link to overall health, wellbeing and performance. You will have a plan created to help you to reframe your habits and make supportive changes. We will discuss the best options for you during our consultation.

If you want to achieve the best for and from your body, you will want to combine nutrition and training together. However, if you feel that you only have the ability to focus on one at the moment, then choose whichever option you will be able to commit the most to.

book a consultatiion

If you wish to begin PT sessions, whether 1:1, 2:1 or 3:1; you will soon be able to do with the new website calendar. Whilst this process is being finalised send me an email and I will book your session.

Don’t forget to get in touch regarding your programme too!